The Khodzant Enigma


Copyright 2005 Gabriele Sass

The glaziers loomed above his head
Sheer walls of deep blue ice
And fields of snow around him spread
A frozen paradise

He clutched the heavy wooden spear
Inside his fur draped hand
And smelled the chilling arctic air
That drifted through his land

Beneath a massive brow of bone
His eyes were wide awake
The tools he carried were of stone
Chipped flawless on the flake

Not far from him the mammoths grazed
By digging through the snow
But little did they know the chase
Was for a different foe

Their bones were light, with forehead high
They carried deadly tools
With sharp stone weapons they came nigh
The ancient race to rule

Already they had slain them twice
And thought to dominate
And through this final sacrifice
Would swiftly seal their fate

His massive brain could not defend
Against this clever hoard
But neither could he comprehend
That they would be his lords

He took the fire hardened spear
And thrust it in an eye
His enemy he could not spare
For soon he too would die

Among the final battle screams
Between the rivaled clans
As one then faded into dreams
And History began

Now forty thousand years have passed
We still remember them
And wonder deep in our hearts
If we shall meet again.