The Fisherman

Copyright 2005 Gabriele Sass
written 1997
In twilight lay the ocean shore
As morning dawned to day
And twinkling sunrays would explore
The waters of the bay
As sparkling gems the waves caressed
A seagulls soundless flight
A gentle breeze the morning blessed
The beach lay calm and quiet
There stood a boy and cast his line
Into the restless sea
Enwrapped in solitude sublime
His soul on waves set free
Behind him rose the crystal domes
Where beam ships set to flight
So well defined the human homes
In early morning light
Awakened to the warming sun
A growing multitude
Sought work and play and midday fun
In this-worldly pursuits
Between the waters and the sand
The boy stood calm and still
Looked out to sea – a distant land
Dreamscapes his mind to fill
He reeled in fish for quite a while
Then let his spirit soar
Along the splendid river Nile
The never ending shore
A fisherman cast out his line
Into the surging stream
Withdrawn on waves of the divine
The freedom of a dream
A pyramid rose past his sight
Enshrined a distant lore
Inside its structures dark as night
Of worlds that went before
Soon sunlight waned above the sea
The moon at eventide
Cast shadows steep at odd degree
The Coliseums might
Stood silently the test of time
As humans entertained
And stained with blood its fine design
A life so unrestrained
There stood along the rocky cliffs
A lonely fishing soul
While warm winds bore a nighttime whiff
In silence held his pole
The mind through light-less forests flew
Past fortress and black death
Through twilight’s dawn it found anew
A worldly luminesce
Where glass and concrete scraped the sky
Atomic powers ruled
Alas, consumer frenzied buys
And electronic tools
Along the beach a human crowd
Beef paddies, cola juice
Consumed was music booming loud
The mind stood harsh abuse
Between the waters and the sand
A boy stood calm and still
Looked out to sea – a distant land
Dreamscapes his mind to fill
In peaceful motion cast his line
Into the restless sea
Enwrapped in solitude sublime
His soul on waves set free