The Secret of Antarctica

The Secret of Antarctica
Copyright 2005 Gabriele C. Sass
written 1997
The oceans fury crushed the ship
The whirling waters crashed
Through thunderous waves the sailor whipped
Ashore the ice crust fresh.
He clutched a laser in his hand
And burned his frozen grave
Beside a fig tree lay his head
In lands he could not save
An evil wind, a dark, black sky
In visions warm and kind
He drifted into dreams to die
Illusions in his mind
His grave the arctic terror sealed
The mind alone would know
What lay below the ice, concealed
The myth beneath the snow
The gold brushed fields on summer’s eve
The lush green hills of old
The olive trees, the weaving streams
The land of lives untold
Where mighty cities stretched their streets
And silver disks did fly
Where massive monuments would meet
Serenely with the sky
A man stood there, with child and wife
And lived a life so good
For house and starship he would strive
The comforts understood
He read the news, he worked and played
He chose the foods he ate
He paid his taxes and he prayed
That fortune be his fate
The world was his to dominate
Technology its chains
He thought to rule through law and state
The primal earthen plane
But in his efforts to succeed
His selfish ego grew
He knew the means by which to lead
The weapons to subdue
And so the One Who Watches All
Would show Its discontent
And cause the empires to fall
Entomb entire lands
Until there dwells in consciousness
The dreams of distant shores
And search for this lost continent
The meaning of its lore
Then ocean’s fury will arise
And whirling waters free
And thunderous waves will crush the ice
And set Atlantis free