
Copyright 2005 Gabriele C. Sass
Iron chains of science reigned
In the myths of modern days
Model humans walked the plane
Cloned and perfect in their ways
Engineered to flawless beauty
Brilliant brains and master minds
Well constructed for their duty
Representing human kind
Genes were strong at their inception
Blended races as their source
Bred in test tubes to perfection
Choked to death was nature’s force
Well controlled the population
Lived in peace and harmony
For the good of God and Nation
And advanced Technology
Generations lived forever
Never varied was the theme
Copies made from copies ever
Little flaws remained unseen
But the wheels of nature turned
Stranger creatures walked the earth
Only Copies would not learn
Called their world a dangerous curse
With the lack of adaptation
They build ships and moved to space
Searched the heavens for a Nation
That could safe their perfect Race
Dreams had now become collective
But its hopes still were for life
Could the past be resurrected?
Could the ancient race survive?
Lightyears faded, starlight dust
Till the day they found a way
Human flesh to re-adjust
And refresh their DNA
Peaceful lay the planet blue
Wrapped in darkest slumber deep
When the Copies did pursue
Human creatures in their sleep
Magic wands they used to stun
Nature’s children for their cause
To their starships then to come
To extract the living force
Slowly they could breed a being
Years of terror from the sky
Man on earth, he wasn’t seeing
And still asks the question: Why?