Tat Twam Asi

That Though Art

Copyright 2005 Gabriele Sass 

You are not all that you appear
As you’re playing out your life
Like an actor on the stage
While the true Self stands aside 

It’s the jiva you perceive
Playing out a million roles
Telling you there’s nothing more
Beyond the limits of a soul 

And yet there stands the Purusa
Observing with a smile
The endless scenes, the endless roles
That last but for a while 

Free, Eternal, Unattached
It takes no part in plays
Samsara comes, samsara goes
While it remains Unchanged

And still you say
“But I don’t see”
The answer stands
“Tat Twam Asi”



From the Sanskrit: Purusa – the higher self, outside of all matter, attainment is liberation
                              Jiva: the ego, individual soul
                              Samsara: this world of games, suffering
                              Tat: That, universal consciousness
                              Twam: Thou, individual consciousness
                               Asi: Is, statement of unification
                              Tat Twam Asi: unified consciousness

Note: This poem was written as an answer to a poem written by singer Andy Gibb in 1985 called “Andy’s Song”