The Hedgehog and the Hare

The Hedgehog and the Hare
A Grimm’s Fairy Tale
Copyright 2005 Gabriele C. Sass
written 1997
Once upon a harvest morn
In a warming autumn breeze
Stubble fields and golden corn
Blooming buckwheat, humming bees
Standing joyful by his burrow
Whistling tunes and singing songs
Mr. Hedgehog watched the furrows
And the turnip field beyond
Time to check the veggies growing
And to have a morning walk
By the fields a Hare was showing
Checking out the cabbage stalks
“Well Good Morning, what a meeting”
piped the cheerful little guy
Mr. Hare grunted a greeting
“Out so early Hog and Why?”
“Farmer’s walk in morning glory,”
said the Hedgehog with amuse
“With those crooked legs. I’m sorry,
Can’t you find a better use?”
Quite in fury and enraged
Was the Hedgehog in this case
And he offered Hare a wager
That he be the faster racer
“I’ll be back in half an hour”
Mr. Hedgehog said with pride
Then he strided, full of power
To his burrow and his wife
“Hurry up my wife, get dressed,
And put on these overalls,
Mr. Hare and I will test
Whose the fasted of us all”
Silly games these men are playing
Mrs. Hedgehog bore a grin
In a furrow she was staying
Helping Mr.Hedgehog win
One, two, three the race was started
Down two furrows of the field
Mr. Hare at top speed darted,
Mr. Hedgehog stayed concealed
He lay quietly in waiting
While the Hare ran up the aisle
At the end of which was greeting
Mrs. Hedgehog him with smile
“Here already” she called cheerful
As the Hare came to a halt
Puffing air and staring fearful
At the Hedgehog looking bold
“There is something not quite fair”
Mr Hare said, quite upset
“I say we should make a dare
And repeat this silly bet”
“Just as often as you please”
Mrs. Hedgehog did agree
“We will race back to the trees,
On the count of one, two, three”
Quite determined dashed the Hare
Back and forth to win the race
Every time the Hog was there
Did he run at quicker pace?
Twenty-seven times they said
Through the turnip field he went
Until Mr. Hare was dead
And the story had an End
Now the moral of the tale
Is to choose a wife that seems
Just like you from head to tail
And to make a clever team.